Classes for everyone

At S.H.A.K.E, our Tinies class is based on a combination of jazz, classical and modern styles with a focus on developing gross motor skills, coordination, balance, posture, confidence and creativity. We learn basics like skips, gallops and pointing our feet and practice combining movements in a sequence.

Tinies welcome from 3-5 years old.

From juniors to seniors, students learn a variety of acrobatic techniques and work on strength and flexibility to be incorporated in skills like cartwheels, flipping, tumbling, handstand variations, trampolining and partner work.

Students welcome from 5 years of age.

Classical is a traditional, formal style of ballet known for strict, rigorous technique (such as pointe work, turn-out of the legs and high extensions) and graceful, flowing and precise movements.
Classes follow the COMDANCE syllabus and begin at Pre Ballet and work through Primary, Grades 1-6, through to Majors, then onto Certificate and Diploma.
Students sit regular exams.

Students welcome from 5 years of age.

Contemporary is a style that focuses on creative exploration by combining modern dance techniques, floor work and improvisation. It focuses on more free-form, conceptual choreography with a broad range of dynamic and textural movements.

 Students welcome from 10 years of age.

The Term ‘Jazz’ encompasses a number of dance styles, but generally refers to movements performed to popular music. At S.H.A.K.E. the open jazz class encompasses various styles from funk to cabaret. We practice technique with kicks, turns and jumps and learn stylised choreography.
We have classes for all ages and have had an ongoing Adult class for the past 27 years. A great way to keep fit and have fun!

Students welcome from 3 years to 60+.

Hip-hop refers to street dance styles primarily performed to hip-hop music or that have evolved as part of hip-hop culture. We now have a BOYZONLY class and a general ALL level class.

A fun class suitable for boys and girls and the once a week student. From 5 years.

Modern Jazz classes are within the Jazz dance style, but follow a set syllabus designed by COMDANCE.
Students begin at the Pre Modern Levels and work through to Grades 1-9, with the potential to undertake a Certificate and Diploma after completing Grade 9. S.H.A.K.E. students sit yearly exams.  

Students welcome from 5 years of age.

These classes incorporate singing, dancing and acting to create a true triple threat. Students work towards their COMDANCE Theatrical and Performing Arts exams. To be eligible for this class, you must do Jazz and one other genre.
Students sit regular exams.

Students welcome from 5 years of age.

Tap dance is a form of dance characterized by using the sound of one’s tap shoes hitting the floor as a percussive instrument. As such, it is also commonly considered to be a form of music.
At S.H.A.K.E. the classes follow the COMDANCE syllabus but also incorporate an open element (with the exception of Adult Tap, which is an open class)
It is not compulsory for the students to sit exams, but exam work is taught in the classes.

Students welcome from 5 years of age.

In 2025, we have two Performance Teams – 10 & Under and Opens.   The students in these teams focus on learning routines so they are able to compete in at least three Eisteddfods (Competitions) during the season.  They also showcase their routines at Community Events and at the yearly Concert!  The students in these teams need a high level of commitment and must be ready to take their dancing to the next level.

Students who participate in Exam classes are welcome to audition.